In a recent international photovoltaic magazine an impressive solar structure made its debut in an article written by Markus Jantzen.
The impressive structure was created by a well known Chinese architect, Simone Giostra. Originally from New York City, Simone has learned and adapted to the environment of China. He said "Working in Europe or the US you often feel the obligation to create only what seems feasible to the eyes of the developer." Simone does not agree, his mentality is to be absolutely sure that when the project is presented to the client, that it had never been done before and that it would be the first built of its kind.
Therefore he brings you the Greenpix's Zero Energy Media Wall, in China. Not far from the 2008 Olympic park.
Enough air and light had to pass thorugh the windows located behind the facade that's why some sections of the glass panes protrude a few centimeters from the facade. Intelligent architecture and laminating multicrystalline solar cells into 89 x 89 cm elements were used to make this magnificent glass curtain wall. The best feature of this entire structure is the fact that it doesn't need any electricity from the grid, it stores electricity produced during the day in batteries so the LED's can be illuminated at night.

The astonishing light display measures 2,200 m2 and contains 2,292 color LEDs which proves that this is an amazing technological accomplishment however it is also a brilliant use of media art that can deliver so much to the public.
What will they come up with next?
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